Thursday, May 28, 2009

Coming of Age

A friend just sent us information about Coming of Coming of Age is an initiative to promote volunteering, learning, and community leadership for people age 50+. The website is designed to provide stories of transitions, volunteer opportunities, learning opportunities, life planning information, and a calendar of events.

They hope to help people 50+ make plans for the future and make a difference in their communities. Additionally, they help nonprofit staffs recruit age 50+ volunteers, and train/retain their volunteer pools.

People 50+ can be a powerful resource to employers, nonprofits, and communities in general. Leveraging our talent for future good makes so much sense.

Have you thought about where you can help? You can have great impact that will benefit individuals, organizations or your broader community.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finding purpose through charitable work

Volunteering comes in all shapes and sizes. Volunteer work no longer is stuffing envelopes or doing other boring tasks. The nonprofit sector is hungry for leadership, expertise, and involvement that will allow their organizations to grow and be sustainable. Literally, thousands of opportunities exist for those interested in charitable work. Finding the opportunity that fits your interests and talents is important. Going through a self-assessment process can help.

Stephen and I have committed considerable time to the Destin Charity Wine Auction Foundation. We love that we can do this together, and impact eight different charities that benefit children in need. Our results make a difference to hundreds of children that are challenged by poverty, abuse, neglect, health care issues or the like. Helping these children have a better future is hugely rewarding for us.

Working together, our board and staff just held our annual patron dinners and auction. Leading up to this event, we had heard of the dismal results of other charitable wine auctions. Needless to say, we were worried. Happily, we successfully raised $925K which surpassed last year's results by $100K. In a year where charitable giving is down, those extra dollars will be appreciated by our beneficiary charities.

We feel great that a group of volunteer board members teamed with a dedicated staff to make the impossible happen. This volunteer work provides significant purpose and fulfillment to our lives! Where do you want to make a difference?