Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Busy in 'Retirement'

Our friends were visiting last week during their children’s spring break. We loved seeing them since they are truly best friends. However, during their stay, we were constantly excusing ourselves since we had conference calls, wine auction board meetings, and some business or consulting work to complete. At one point, Terry asked if we were not TOO BUSY in our so-called ‘retirement.’

My immediate response was, “No!” Before we sold our main business, we had a rigid schedule from 4:30 am until bedtime daily. The difference is that we now wake up in the morning without an alarm (a true luxury after years of early alarms), and we choose what we want to do each day. Yesterday could have been a day on the computer, but we decided to go for a relaxed lunch with a nice glass of wine. Today, we took a five-mile walk allowing for exercise and ‘together time.’ Every day we decide how we want to spend our time. This truly is an age of choice!

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