Friday, October 17, 2008

What's Next in Your Life?

Stephen and I spent most of this week in Kansas City where we had two book signings, gave a talk on 'What's Next In Your Life,' and were interviewed on TV. What amazed me were the number of people that felt this discussion is more important today than ever before. I honestly believed that our message would be lost with all the financial chaos that is surrounding us.

After some reflection, it occurred to me that 'planning life after 50' is positive while providing a sense of control over our lives. As the media continues to fuel economic panic in the American public, people want and need to plan for a brighter future. As we presented, I wanted to empower the audience to take positive steps in their own career and life planning.

I truly believe that we have choices in terms of our work and leisure activities. Even if we have to work longer due to losses in the market, we can do work that aligns well with our passions and interests. Finding a well-aligned job (or volunteer work), will lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment. We deserve to have 'fun' in the work we do each and every day. Are you planning for your future? What work fits best for you?

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