Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Media Scare

In the last month, we've been interviewed by,,, NPR, and the St. Louis Pioneer Dispatch. Interestingly, all of them were interested in how the current economic crisis will impact retiring baby boomers. We'll be the first to admit that target dates for retirement and/or the need to work 'after retirement' looks different with the loss of 30-50% in retirement portfolios.

Having recognized that there may be more financial drivers to work longer, boomers still have choices to make. They have transferrable skills that can be applied to other careers, work environments or entrepreneurial opportunities. In other words, don't feel trapped. Find work that provides more meaning and satisfaction.

Yes, you'll need to spend some time thinking through what work 'fits' best for you. Also, you'll need to update your resume and interviewing skills. There are life/career coaches, books, and websites like ours,, that can help. Seek the help you need to establish a more fulfilling, future plan for your life. Start today for a better tomorrow!

Joan & Stephen

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