Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's the best of times ... it's the worst of times

Stephen and I were talking about the extreme swings in the stock market coupled with the terrorist attack in India. Our news today is filled with grim and frightening facts. The media goes so far as to predict a horrible day in the markets before the opening bell. You have to wonder, how much of this is self-fulfilling prophecy? You might also question, how much fear can the media drive? Our days shouldn't be clouded with negative thoughts and fear.

Stephen is reading Follett's World Without End (sequel to Pillars of the Earth). I just finished The Autobiography of King Henry VIII. If you have read these books, or information about these times, you must realize that we've always lived in turbulent times. Yes, it sometimes is greater, and occasionally better. Still, we have survived these challenging periods generation after generation. We are survivors!

We need faith in our resourcefulness and resiliency. As Obama faces the challenges of a poor economy, two wars, and huge educational and health care issues, I feel certain that he will find strength knowing that his predecessors were successful in resurrecting the health of our great nation through their superb leadership. Just think about Lincoln's challenges or those of Truman. Great leaders, and great people, will overcome. Let's work positively together for a better tomorrow!


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