Friday, March 13, 2009

Media's hit on consumer confidence

Are you tired of the media sensationalizing our current economic and global woes? Honestly, I believe that they are significantly hurting consumer confidence. Without confidence, consumer spending will continue to drag and our economy will sag. With the stock market and real estate in the tank, more negative press only serves to heighten fears and anxieties.

The cure is not to watch television news unless there is a positive story about someone reaching out to help others in need. Those infrequent stories help to restore faith in humanity. The newspapers are not much better. I've found my reading time is greatly reduced since I won't linger on negative stories.

You can accuse me of being in denial or avoidance. I would prefer to think I'm using strategies to stay positive and focused on constructive solutions. If my confidence and mood is down, how can I possibly help someone else through their difficulties. I strive every day to be a positive influence on those around me. I'll keep traveling my path until the recovery shines bright! Hope you are finding coping strategies that work for you!!


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