Monday, March 10, 2008

Living Life After 50: An Introduction

Welcome to the ‘Living Life after 50’ blog. Our goal in starting this blog is to connect with people that are entering this new stage in their life. Often times we hear how great it is to have early retirement or just plain retirement. The facts are that many people are ill prepared to face the next chapter in their lives.

Joan & I have a lifetime of experience working with people needing career and/or life planning. Even with this expertise, we encountered many of the same challenges that others reported. We want to reach out and share our own experiences and ideas which may help others find a fulfilling life after 50.

When asked about what we currently do, we never use the word ‘retirement.’ Our lives are as full and busy today as when we were running a small business. The difference is that we choose how we want to spend our time on a daily basis. Yes, it requires constant attention so that we continue to keep our lives in balance.

We will discuss our work interests, relationships, health issues, travel, and spirituality in this blog. Our belief is maximizing the best in these realms of life provide for fulfillment after 50.

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