Monday, May 19, 2008


What do I mean by deferred interests? I don’t know about you, but my life was crazy with raising two children, taking care of the home, and growing my business. I won’t bore you with the horror stories of sleepless nights, multi-tasking to dangerous levels, and always running behind. Suffice it to say that many of my interests could not be pursued during those twenty-five years.

This morning, I relished in working out, then spent an hour studying French. Yesterday, I studied about wines in Burgundy, then started reading My Life in France, by Julia Child, and Alex Prud’homme. Tomorrow, I’m attending my book club. I have also joined a garden club. These are all areas of interest that were deferred, but now are ripe for exploring. Diving into these interests brings joy and satisfaction to my life! What deferred interests are you pursuing?


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