Friday, August 22, 2008

Celebrating Life!

On Tuesday, we were scheduled to head for the airport at 10:00 am for 10 days in Paris and the French Alps. Stephen was cleaning up the last things around our condo. He went out on our balcony to clean up a ceramic pot that was partially broken during a recent storm. As he lifted the remaining piece, it broke into a million pieces in his hands. One sharp fragment hit his wrist resulting in a severe laceration. Stephen takes coumadin so is a bleeder. He yelled for me to call 911.

Fast forward ... Stephen underwent emergency surgery where they successfully reattached five tendons, repaired the radial artery (was completed severed), and sewed the outer sheath of the medial nerve together. The shard had cut 1/2 to 2/3rds of the way through the nerve. The doctors believe he lost about 30% of his body's blood during the 4 hours from the accident until surgery. After 2.5 days in the hospital, we returned home yesterday. Yes, home sweet home.

Last night, we toasted life. Stephen believes that God wasn't quite ready for him yet (yes, he thought he was not going to make it). We are awaiting to find out what he has in store for our future. Celebrate each day. We never know when it will be our last.

I love this man more than life itself. I promise to demonstrate that love each remaining day we have together!


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