Tuesday, August 12, 2008


We were in Minneapolis on August 5th for a talk and book signing. As we visited with the principals of Navigate Forward (an executive development/transition consultancy), we learned about their intriguing leadership model. They felt that employees have three phases of leadership development: acquiring and developing leadership skills; using that knowledge and skills to drive business success; and, harvesting their leadership knowledge and skills through mentoring, consulting or other knowledge transfer methods. Baby boomers are at that third stage. The question that remains is how do we best impact other leaders to leverage our learnings.

We wrote an article recently on 'Secondment.' We proposed that 'secondment' is detachment from your full-time career position into a more fluid, flexible, non-traditional working arrangement. It is the 'fun' work we do after we officially retire. This work could take place with our previous employer, a new employer, or be a whole new career. Some 'secondment' work will actually involve starting or buying a business. Secondment is a new work phase that spans between our traditional career and 'old age.' With an average boomer life expectancy of 83, this 'secondment' phase might last from 10-25 years. Most 'retiring' boomers have the mental and physical vitality to make good use of these flexible, work options. Yes, boomers will want to control their 'work,' and balance it with other interests (e.g., relationships, leisure activities, wellness, spirituality, and new learning). We are in an 'age of choice.' Make the most of your choices.

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